We believe in transparency and clarity. We are providing you our fees for services currently not covered by insurance companies. These prices are all inclusive.
Refractive Surgery
All Laser Bladeless LASIK: $1950 per eye
PRK: $1800 per eye
Refractive Lens Exchange: $2850 to $5000 per eye
Self pay Cataract Surgery (Uninsured patients)
Cataract surgery: $2850 to $5000 per eye
Custom Cataract Surgery
The following services are not covered by insurance and the fees are in addition to what insurance pays. It is your choice to have these additional services
A. Best Vision Plan: $1250 per eye
The treatment is customized using the best technical modalities to ensure the best possible distance vision. Includes astigmatism correction, calculations for corneas that have had prior surgery, and monovision if desired by the patient. LASIK is included, if needed.
B. Traditional Cataract Surgery: $0
Offers state of the art surgical procedure but may require glasses for distance vision.
C. Multifocal Vision Plan: $2250 per eye
This is a great option for patients who desire to have near and distance vision. The new Symfony lens provides the best option for patients who want to be less dependent on glasses.