We use a live 3D imaging laser to create a precise flap followed by an excimer laser to reshape the cornea to achieve excellent results for our patients. The formula is pretty simple: Precise measurements, careful laser calibration utilizing the latest technology, and no delegation of any surgical task. Attention to detail has allowed us to achieve great results for our patients over the years.
Our advertising consists of our satisfied patients and our colleagues in the eyecare field who trusts us to refer their family members and patients to us. Over the years, we have performed thousands of successful LASIK procedures.
Outcomes are pretty easy if you match experience with technology and that’s what we do each and every time. Come for a free consultation and see the difference.
LASIK has given new meaning to “visual freedom," but there are so many different marketing schemes that tout high definition and 3-D vision that it becomes very confusing to most every patient! We have listed a few repeated questions below and encourage you to email us (drbrian@mylasikpro.com) with others. Or better yet, schedule a free consultation to allow us to give you the very best recommendation for your future refractive surgery.
What Is LASIK?
If you are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism then LASIK can potentially help you see without glasses. LASIK is a safe outpatient procedure that reshapes your cornea in less than minute.
What is Lasikpro Custom Treatment?
During your initial evaluation which is free, your eyes are analyzed using the Pentacam camera. These tests give us a 3D view of your eyes and allow us to determine if you are a candidate for surgery. Based on these studies and our database of more than 40,000 LASIK procedure that Dr. Den Beste has designed over the past 20 years, we come up with a treatment plan. It is a customized treatment to achieve great vision for you. We achieve 20/20 vision in more than 99% of our patients. We believe in this option and have performed it on our family members, fellow coworkers, and fellow eye doctors that have come to visit and train at our center.
Explain the evaluation and treatment process.
Determine if you're a candidate for LASIK. In addition we discuss options that are sometimes better. We also discuss options to help you read if you are in bifocal glasses or contact lenses.
If you elect to have the procedure with us, you will be scheduled for a complete preop exam. You are instructed to remove your contacts lens prior to that visit and you will be dilated at that visit unless your referring physician has already performed that recently.
We perform the procedure Thursdays in the afternoon.
After the procedure you go home and rest. We see you the next morning. Most of our patients are referred and drive from long distances to have the procedure with us. You have the option of seeing your family eye doctor for your post op care.
What if I have been told I am not a good candidate for LASIK?
We see patients every day that have been told they are too nearsighted or too farsighted or have too much astigmatism. Technology continues to improve to give you more surgical options. It’s rare that we don’t have a surgical option that will fit your needs. Our consults are free….you have nothing to lose!
I wear hard contact lens, do I need to stop them prior to my consult?
Probably best and easiest to not stop your lenses until after your consult. If you are a good candidate you will then be instructed to be in glasses or soft contact lenses for 4 weeks depending on your corneal anatomy.
I have keratoconus, am I a good candidate for LASIK?
No, unfortunately not. Yet, sometimes a doctor can mistake this corneal problem with
high astigmatism, which is very treatable. In addition some patients are mistakenly called keratoconus when they have “anterior
basement membrane dystrophy” which is very treatable with PRK.
How long does the procedure take?
On the day of your procedure you are here for an hour or so but the actual procedure only takes about 5 minutes per eye. You will need a driver as you are typically given 5 mg of valium by mouth and eye drops are used for the procedure.
Does it hurt?
No, some people experience a slight pressure sensation for about 20 seconds but the laser is a painless modality. It is often helpful for a friend or family member to “hold your hand” during the procedure. The numbing drops wear off 20 minutes after the procedure and its best to go home and sleep. The foreign body sensation usually stops after 2 hours. We give all our patients drops to be used for a week following the procedure. These drops are particularly helpful the first evening.
How many visits after the surgery are necessary?
You are seen the day after surgery, (which you can drive yourself), you are then seen by our office or your referring doctor a week or two later and then again for a one month visit and again at the 3 month postop period. These visits are typically quick and are to ensure health and accuracy.
Can I work out the next day?
You can do just about everything the day after surgery but no swimming for a week. Take your drops and wash your hands a bit more than usual and all will go well.
How much does it cost?
We outline all our charges in the financial page of this website. We have a couple of financing plans and are the only VSP provider in Orlando.
Will the correction last?
Yes, it is a permanent correction. When your internal lens changes (technically called a cataract) it can affect your refraction. This typically occurs in your 6th or 7th decade. Cataract surgery corrects that change. In your mid 40s you will need reading glasses.
Will "monovision" work with LASIK?
If you are under 40 skip this answer. We often use laser to achieve a monovision correction. This is so your dominant eye sees well in the distance and your non- dominant eye is focused for near. I know, it sounds crazy, but this type of blended vision works really well. It’s easy for people that have done it with contact lenses and if you have never tried it and have only worn bifocals we often simulate it with contacts to see if a permanent LASIK correction is desirable. I like to call it “blended Vision” and it is the best way to solve presbyopic (for us 40 year old folks) issues.
I had RK 20 years ago and now my vision is bad….can you help?
We have solved many a bad cornea from the “spoked tire” treatment. Come in and let us discuss the couple of laser and surgical options that we use.
I have high myopia, astigmatism, or hyperopia, any options for me?
For hyperopes, clear lens extraction is the way to go if your glass prescription is above 5 diopters and particularly if you are in your 40s or older. LASIK works well particularly if you have a significant amount of astigmatism as well.
Do I have to go to the hospital for these procedures?
We perform LASIK in our Laser Suite at our facility located at 105 Bonnie Loch Court, Orlando, FL 32806.
Why should I go to your clinic?
We give you individualized care and make sure you get the outcome that you need. We have the experience and know that every detail is important. We have great technology, the latest femtosecond laser using live 3D imaging during the procedure to ensure accuracy of the treatment. Since we are consultants we have time to spend on each and every case. We don’t see patients that need routine eye care. We like what we do and it shows!