Kyle Den Beste, MD
Kyle Den Beste is a board-certified ophthalmologist who joined our team of experienced and caring physicians in July, 2019. He attended Emory University in Atlanta, GA for his undergraduate studies and received degrees in neuroscience, chemistry, and music. He then attended the University of Alabama - Birmingham where he received his medical degree and completed an internship in general surgery. He trained in ophthalmology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA where he served as chief resident. He most recently completed a fellowship in cornea and refractive surgery at the prestigious Price Vision Group in Indianapolis.
Dr. Den Beste is an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology with the University of Central Florida College of Medicine and has authored numerous journal articles over the last decade. He enjoys playing tennis, performing the violin, and maintaining automobiles.
PUBLICATIONS Feng MT, Pinkus D, Price FW, Pabon S, Iverson SM, Den Beste KA, Price MO. "Tension in the air: barometric pressure and DMEK." International Journal of Eye Banking, 2019: In press. ​ Saint-Jean A, Soper M, Den Beste KA, Iverson SM, Price MO, Price FW. "Technique for ensuring type-1 bubble formation for pre-descemet endothelial keratoplasty preparation." Cornea, 2019: Oct;38(10): 1336-1338. ​ Den Beste KA, Okeke C. "Trabeculotomy ab interno with Trabectome as surgical management for systemic fluoroquinolone-induced pigmentary glaucoma." Medicine, 2017: Oct 96(43):7936. American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting. Coronado, CA, 2017. Surgical video finalist. Virginia Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons Annual Meeting. Wintergreen, VA, 2017. 1st-place poster presentation. ​ Natelson Love MC, Clark DG, Cochran JN, Den Beste KA, Geldmacher DS, Benzinger TL, Gordon BA, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Roberson ED. "Clinical, imaging, pathological, and biochemical characterization of a novel presenilin 1 mutation (N135Y) causing Alzheimer's disease." Neurobiology of Aging, 2016: Oct 3 S019704580 (16) 30234-2. ​ Weaver TL, Den Beste KA, Frey ES. "Benign pneumatosis intestinalis: can we avoid the knife?" The American Surgeon, 2016: Sep;82(9):233-5. ​ Wise SK, Laury AM, Katz EH, Den Beste KA, Parkos CA, Nusrat A. "Interleukin-4 and interleukin-13 compromise the sinonasal epithelial barrier and perturb intercellular junction protein expression." International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 2014: 4(5):361-70. Henriquez OA, Den Beste KA, Hoddeson EK, Parkos CA, Nusrat A, Wise SK. "House dust mite der p1 effects on sinonasal epithelial tight junctions." International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 2013: 3(8):630-5. ​ Rankin CR, HIlgarth RS, Leoni G, Kwon M, Den Beste KA, Parkos CA, Nusrat A. "Annexin A2 regulates B1 integrin internalization and intestinal epithelial cell migration." J Biological Chemistry, 2013: 288(21):15229-39. ​ Wise SK, Den Beste KA, Hoddeson EK, Parkos CA, Nusrat A. "Sinonasal epithelial wound resealing in an in-vitro model: inhibition of wound closure with IL-4 exposure." International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 2013: 3:439-49.  ​ Den Beste KA, Hoddeson EK, Parkos CA, Nusrat A, Wise SK. "Epithelial permeability alterations in an in-vitro air-liquid interface model of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis." International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 2013: 3:19-25. American Rhinologic Society Spring Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2012. Basic Science Research Award. UAB Medical Student Research Seminar. Birmingham, AL, 2011. ​ Lai YH, Cheng J, Cheng D, Feasel ME, Den Beste KA, Peng J, Nusrat A, Moreno CS. "SOX4 interacts with plakoglobin in a Wnt3a-dependent manner in prostate cancer cells." BMC Cell Biol, 2011: 12:50. ​ Rogers GA, Den Beste KA, Parkos CA, Nusrat A, DelGaudio JM, Wise K. "Epithelial tight junction alterations in nasal polyposis." International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 2011: 1:50-54. ​ Ivanov AI, Young C, Den Beste KA, Capaldo CT, Humbert PO, Brennwald P, Parkos CA, Nusrat A. "Tumor suppressor scribble regulates assembly of tight junctions in the intestinal epithelium." American Journal of Pathology, 2010: 176:134-45.
PRESENTATIONS Davis AR, Agarwal K, Den Beste KA, McCole SM. "Improving patient flow in a resident run clinic." Virginia Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons Annual Meeting. Vienna, VA, 2019. ​ Den Beste KA, Den Beste, BP. "How to mend a broken cornea." Central Florida Society of Optometric Physicians EyeMed Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2019. ​ Den Beste KA. "Panuveitis in the Mid-Atlantic: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease." Virginia Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons Annual Meeting. Virginia Beach, VA, 2018. ​ Den Beste KA. "Headache, flashes, photophobia, pain, and blurred vision - where to begin?" EVMS Ophthalmology Clinical Pathology Conference. Norfolk, VA, 2017. ​ Den Beste KA, Gross FJ. "Visual and intraocular pressure outcomes of combined phacoemulsification and Ahmed valve implantation." Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Baltimore, MD, 2017. ​ Den Beste KA. "Drug-induced glaucoma." EVMS Ophthalmology Clinical Pathology Conference. Norfolk, VA, 2016. Den Beste KA. "GCA vs GPA: An update on the ocular manifestations of systemic necrotizing vasculitides." EVMS Ophthalmology Clinical Pathology Conference. Norfolk, VA, 2016. ​ Den Beste, KA. "The ABC's of urgent eye care." Ophthalmic Personnel of Tidewater Fall CME Meeting. Norfolk, VA, 2015